Then publically disclose your voting record and let people comb over every person you did vote for that has made similar type stupid, or uneducated, or racist, or sexist comments. Be consistent or youre a hypocrite.
Yeah ok, I'm fine with that. There aren't a lot of people who've made publicly racist statements like Curt has. If you have some specific examples I'll let you know my thoughts on them. We can't rescind votes from guys who got in in the past, but I'll address those as they come up in a "what I would have done" fashion.
Also I think guys who are clear no-doubt-about-it guys will get a little more leeway than somewhat more debatable guys like Schilling.
I also think dumb things said and done while playing should have more weight than things said and done after retirement. Most (maybe all that I've seen) or Schilling's dumb stuff has been since he retired. If he came out and said some Donald Sterling stuff, I would then not vote for him, but so far based on what he's said and done after he quit, I'd still be able to hold my nose and vote for him.