Given the fact that winning is not a priority, I think they will be cautious with all the pitching prospects. I would assume GRod, Hall etc. will be capped somewhere around 100 innings.
it looks like minor league seasons will start late so that should work out fine.
This isn't really this thread, but it will be interesting to see the impact of the lost 2020 season in terms of protecting guys arms.
Under 'normal' conditions, nobody is willing to fall behind their peer group. There's a process to get into the $$$ profile and nobody is sitting out on a guess. ...but the 2020 season forced everyone to sit down. One of the things Nolan Ryan credited his durability to was NOT throwing a lot of innings when he was younger. Pitching is hard on your arm/shoulder (really your whole body, but...) and I'm confident there are some guys out there that wish they could just put everyone into workout-mode for a year and take some pitching stress out and let the body mature some without the meat-grinder of a season.
Well...we're going to get that. ....and the rollout for this year will be slowed too, so guys like Hall and GRod - HS pitchers coming out of the 2017 and 2018 drafts (for all teams) - are going to have a very different innings profile than nearly all of their predecessors and they didn't have to to take the year+ off because of injury (like TJS).
We won't know for years, but it's something we can maybe track and see if there's any injury or performance improvements based on the forced load changes. In the future, maybe you get a HS pitcher and he gets a 'workout year'.