
Losing Weight / Getting in Shape / Exercise

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#141 Markus


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Posted 07 January 2016 - 06:19 PM

The part about cardio goes back to what I was saying about finding something that works for you.  For me, I run 6 days a week and if there's a day where I don't run, something in my brain just doesn't feel right.


So, if you're feeling up to it and want to do it, I say go for it.  Get in a 2nd straight day of cardio.


One thing to keep in mind, is that despite the urge, don't initially go full-bore when getting back into exercising.  It's a good way to pull something or strain something or sprain something and then the next thing you know you're out of commission for a week or so.


Also, another thing to keep in mind is to not get frustrated if you aren't seeing the results you expect or think you should be seeing after a few weeks.  You see it a fair amount at the gym;  a new face working out for a few weeks and then all of a sudden, poof, gone.  Now of course said person could just have switched up their schedule and are coming in at a different time but more often than not they just got frustrated that they weren't down to 8% body fat with that sweet, sweet 6-pack, in like 3 weeks of working out.  It takes more than a couple of weeks to get out-of-shape and it's gonna take more than a couple of weeks to get back into shape.


Should also add that the internet is a treasure trove of healthy recipes and exercises and any/everything else to keep you motivated and engaged.  Same goes the gym itself.  Pay attention to the exercises other people are doing and you can pick up all kinds of new stuff to try out and, if you like, incorporate into your workout.

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Lemme get two claps and a Ric Flair

#142 You Play to Win the Game

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Posted 07 January 2016 - 06:57 PM

Runner's high is very addictive. Cardio can be a bitch but once you get on a good routine it's something you look forward to. I've been doing the stationary bike for 6 weeks now and am seeing big time results. Down 26 lbs (down 48 from my peak weight which was last February.)

Also, given my size, I'm focusing on non-weight bearing yoga. It's a huge stress reliever and has provided a huge energy boost. I'll add in free weights here soon. I do the bike 5-6 days a week and yoga for 20 minutes most days. I've also added a ton of vegetables and brown rice to my diet. Most evenings during the week it's some veggie/brown rice/chicken concoction. Feeling a lot better.

For me, the motivation is now sustainable. Unfortunately I've been having non-cardiac chest pains for 2 months now. I got a full cardiac check up (EKG, Echo and Stress test) despite being only 30 because doctors wanted to be safe given my weight. It appears the acid reflux is the root cause. The fatter you get, the less functional the valve that connects your stomach to your esophagus becomes. This valve, which is supposed to only open to allow food into the stomach, essentially remains open and then the stomach acid seeps into your esophagus. Long story short, they can do a surgery to fix it (band aid)... or I can lose weight so the valve is back where it belongs.

This whole turning 30 and actually feeling the effects of a awfully unhealthy lifestyle has been a huge wake up call, and very scary. In the last 2 months I've been to immediate care 3 times, the ER twice, had a full cardiac check up, chest xray, lung function test and endescopy. Fun times. At the end of the day, the answer is simple... treat myself better and it'll take care of itself.

Also, fun tip if any of you ever experience anything like this... don't Google symptoms. It's a sure fire way to turn into a hypochondriac and develop severe health anxiety.
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#143 Russ



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Posted 07 January 2016 - 08:11 PM

I still haven't gotten back to where I was pre-surgeries. The doctors told me I probably wouldn't, or it would take a very long time. Kinda fat now, but I get my work in and I'll make it back. I'm going back to work in a gym soon too. That should make things easier.
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#144 NewMarketSean



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Posted 05 February 2016 - 09:18 AM

Been about a month at the gym. Loving it so far. I've missed maybe 3-4 days total. Been doing 30 mins of cardio in the morning or at lunch (treadmill, bike, elliptical, stair machine) and then 30 mins of arms and core twice a week each. I've gotten into a pretty good system. Combine that with cutting back on drinking (especially during the week) and cutting way down on carbs I've lost 6 pounds in just 4 weeks.


No target in mind, really...just dropping some weight and toning up. Feel better all ready.

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I never had friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?

#145 DuffMan



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Posted 05 February 2016 - 10:48 AM

Been about a month at the gym. Loving it so far. I've missed maybe 3-4 days total. Been doing 30 mins of cardio in the morning or at lunch (treadmill, bike, elliptical, stair machine) and then 30 mins of arms and core twice a week each. I've gotten into a pretty good system. Combine that with cutting back on drinking (especially during the week) and cutting way down on carbs I've lost 6 pounds in just 4 weeks.


No target in mind, really...just dropping some weight and toning up. Feel better all ready.

Routine and consistency are key.  Find a routine that works for you (which sounds like you have) and stick with it and you'll see the results.


In other news, I've been ramping up my training since the new year to try and do a Spring Marathon.   Usually do them in the Fall, but rather do one in the Spring this year.

#146 SportsGuy



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Posted 05 February 2016 - 12:32 PM

I am down 17lbs since New Years.  15 more to go.


Starting using my elliptical again, which has helped.


Need to do more weight stuff again BUT its tough because i have a bad back, neck and elbow, so it limits the amount of weight I can do.  Still, I need to do more to tone up some.  Been a while since I lifted 5-6 days a week.

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#147 Mackus



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Posted 08 April 2016 - 01:44 PM

Benched 200 this morning for the first time in several years!

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#148 NewMarketSean



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Posted 08 April 2016 - 02:28 PM

Lost 12 pounds since I started working out and watching what I ate in January. Leveled off now that I'm drinking more...but life sucks so what are you gonna do? Not drink?


Anyway, been doing cardio 6 days a week, weights and core 3 times a week. I've definitely seen results, but I won't be looking like the gym rats I see anytime soon.

  • Markus likes this
I never had friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?

#149 SportsGuy



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Posted 08 April 2016 - 07:30 PM

I'm down 32lbs overall. Few more to go for goal weight.

See if I want to go any less once I get there.

Gets tougher to stay strict as the summer approaches, so I may keep going for a little longer than I thought.

#150 McNulty


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Posted 08 April 2016 - 08:16 PM

Benched 200 this morning for the first time in several years!

What was his name?


#151 BaltBird 24

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Posted 08 April 2016 - 08:23 PM

Sean, don't waste time just doing an arm day, especially twice a week. 


Focus on compound movements. 


Squat, deadlift, overhead press, bench (incline in particular), lat pulls. Also try to incorporate compound body movements like dips and pullups if you're able..... you'll see much better results. 

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#152 Russ



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Posted 22 January 2018 - 08:05 AM

I am about a week away from being cleared by my doctor to get back in the gym after a surgery to repair multiple hernias turned into a disaster. I got the Fitbit ionic as kind of a reward/motivator to get back at it as soon as I can.

I gotta admit, it's not that great. The claim that it's a smartwatch is a stretch. You get text and call notifications but you can't interact with them at all. The O2 sensor is turned off due to some issue. It's just like my Charge 2, but with a nicer screen. That said, you should be able to swim with it if that's your thing. And it looks pretty good.

I do like my Gear S3 better, but I will hold onto this and see if there's a firmware update in the future.
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#153 Russ



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Posted 25 March 2018 - 05:39 PM

Fitbit ionic still sucks. It has buttons on the right side that are pressed whenever I'm lifting. It's a pain in the ass. Sticking with the gear s3 for now. I want the Garmin 5x but that's a hefty investment. I'll pick it up one day.

I went back to my regular gym and found everything boring and I really lacked motivation. So I started CrossFit and am really enjoying it. I avoided it for a while because I struggle with the gymnastics shit but I can scale that.

I had been dealing with health issues going on 5 years. I finally feel like I'm healthy. These workouts absolutely destroy me right now but it's a lot of fun.

#154 Miller192


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Posted 25 March 2018 - 10:20 PM

I've been going at it pretty hard for about 2 months now.  I started taking a stimulant free pre-workout supplemental that's really helped me power through workouts.


I'm in the gym everyday and have been that way for about 6 weeks. 


I'm going to add in yoga this week to get ready for golf season.  I should've been doing that earlier though


#155 NewMarketSean



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Posted 04 March 2019 - 01:38 PM

Decided to take a break from drinking for a month between Valentines Day and St. Patrick's Day and today marks the halfway point. On top of that I am also doing Whole 30 with my wife. I'm down 9 pounds in two weeks.


I was 202 when I started, was hoping to lose a freakish 20 pounds in that time, but it looks like it'll be around 12-15 if I really hit the gym hard.


Either way I'll be at my lightest in about 20+ years.

I never had friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?

#156 McNulty


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Posted 04 March 2019 - 01:44 PM

Think I'm taking a break too.  Been hitting it hard lately.


#157 Mackus



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Posted 04 March 2019 - 02:22 PM

I'm probably in the worst shape of my life right now.  Still only clocking in at about 170-175 depending on the day, but I stopped lifting well over a year ago, haven't done any exercising since golf/softball season ended in the fall, and probably should be 160 or so if it weren't for the spare tire I'm carrying around.


Sports are picking back up, and it'll be nice enough out to go for a jog on occasion (I hate running...but being fat isn't much more fun), so I think I'll drop at least a portion of the unwanted baggage as we get into the spring without needing to really focus on it.  But I might decide to focus on it.  

#158 NewMarketSean



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Posted 04 March 2019 - 02:46 PM

I'm probably in the worst shape of my life right now.  Still only clocking in at about 170-175 depending on the day, but I stopped lifting well over a year ago, haven't done any exercising since golf/softball season ended in the fall, and probably should be 160 or so if it weren't for the spare tire I'm carrying around.


Sports are picking back up, and it'll be nice enough out to go for a jog on occasion (I hate running...but being fat isn't much more fun), so I think I'll drop at least a portion of the unwanted baggage as we get into the spring without needing to really focus on it.  But I might decide to focus on it.  

How tall are you?


Yeah, it's hard. I turn 40 in May and wanted to be in my best shape since college. That was my motivation or else I would be coming out of a 4-5 day long weekend bender myself. And that's every weekend.


However, by doing this diet, I have been:


- Sleeping better, waking up feeling more rested and not getting as tired as the day wears on.

- Pooping better. I mean like, the best poops. Quick, easy and no mess.

- Farting less. For a while I could melt paint off walls and my wife obviously didn't like that.

- Skin looks better. Bags under eyes are gone. No more puffiness or bloating.

- Less appetite. I used to be able to put away some food. Eating cleaner has curbed the desire for more food when I don't need it.


I miss the shit out of drinking and hanging out but I have been trying to enjoy the things that come along with no alcohol.

I never had friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?

#159 You Play to Win the Game

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Posted 04 March 2019 - 02:53 PM

I've gained 5 lbs the past 2 months, despite working out 5 days a week. Drinking is 100% the culprit. And March will be heavy between St. Patty's Day, my BDay (3/20), March Madness and baseball. Gonna have to go back to exclusively marijuana. No calories, and I don't tend to get the munchies. Drinking is so much more social though, and helped me meet my lady. I still feel great, just being active and working out sees to that. But I'd love to lose another 25-35 lbs.
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#160 NewMarketSean



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Posted 04 March 2019 - 02:54 PM

I've gained 5 lbs the past 2 months, despite working out 5 days a week. Drinking is 100% the culprit. And March will be heavy between St. Patty's Day, my BDay (3/20), March Madness and baseball. Gonna have to go back to exclusively marijuana. No calories, and I don't tend to get the munchies. Drinking is so much more social though, and helped me meet my lady. I still feel great, just being active and working out sees to that. But I'd love to lose another 25-35 lbs.


I've thought about smoking weed on this diet. I don't even know how to get it. Yup, that's me.

I never had friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?

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