This whole suggestion that he can't pitch for a successful team is one of the laziest things I've read on this website.
He was the top setup man in baseball last year until late August when he started to struggle. It's funny how we forget how important he was in all of those 1 run games last year. Johnson gets all the praise because he pitched the 9th but what about the man who pitched the 8th? Suddenly, he can't handle any pressure even though he could handle all those 1 run leads in the 8th inning last year? He pitched 2 innings in a win or go home game 4 in the ALDS at Yankees Stadium and gave up 1 hit, did we forget about that?
If he pitches well for Chicago it's not because it's a less pressure situation it's because he regained control of his pitches. His last appearance in Baltimore was in a no pressure situation and he got hit. Pressure has nothing to do with it. I can't believe I actually read that on here.