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#41 SportsGuy



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Posted 30 April 2012 - 09:12 AM

They pay all this money to have Lesnar back and WWE has him job to Cena in his first match back, with Cena now "taking time off"???

Cant wait to see follow up on Raw

Yea, I heard he gave some speech after...not sure what that was all about.

#42 SportsGuy



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Posted 30 April 2012 - 10:13 AM

http://wrestlinginc.... ... john-cena/

Cena "hurt".

EDIT: I see now that he actually may have hurt his arm last night.

Also, look for a Lesnar/HHH angle to start up.

#43 JeremyStrain



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Posted 30 April 2012 - 10:50 AM

Cena "hurt".

EDIT: I see now that he actually may have hurt his arm last night.

Also, look for a Lesnar/HHH angle to start up.

I was thinking a few weeks ago that it's about time for him to take some time off, he's been going non-stop for years.

#44 SportsGuy



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Posted 30 April 2012 - 11:05 AM

I was thinking a few weeks ago that it's about time for him to take some time off, he's been going non-stop for years.

Yea, even when he got hurt, he would rush back.

He really does love the business.

I am surprised they had LEsnar lose but he did say, leading up to things, that he just wanted to be a monster and beat up people. He can say he put Cena on the shelf.

#45 Brobey


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Posted 30 April 2012 - 11:50 AM

Good point Rob...can't remember the last time when Cena took a considerable time away, even with all the injuries he has had...add in all the charity work he does, and as much as people want to see it, there's no way that WWE will ever turn Cena heel...

Oh, and, I can't wait for HHH again (insert sarcasm here)....

With Cena gone, who will become "that guy" on Raw...CM Punk is the champ and he has a thing of his own, so who fills the "Cena" slot?? I say they turn Bryan back to a face and push him hard on Raw against Jericho. Could be a great program between those two...

Also, WTF are they doing with Ziggler??? Squash match vs. Funkasaurus...just brutal...

#46 Brobey


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Posted 30 April 2012 - 11:52 AM

Also, give Cena through July off and have him come back to fued with Lesnar in build-up to Summerslam???

#47 SportsGuy



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Posted 30 April 2012 - 12:23 PM

Good point Rob...can't remember the last time when Cena took a considerable time away, even with all the injuries he has had...add in all the charity work he does, and as much as people want to see it, there's no way that WWE will ever turn Cena heel...

Oh, and, I can't wait for HHH again (insert sarcasm here)....

With Cena gone, who will become "that guy" on Raw...CM Punk is the champ and he has a thing of his own, so who fills the "Cena" slot?? I say they turn Bryan back to a face and push him hard on Raw against Jericho. Could be a great program between those two...

Also, WTF are they doing with Ziggler??? Squash match vs. Funkasaurus...just brutal...

I read where Jericho is going to be gone before SS. I am not sure if he will really be gone or just out touring with his band for a while and then come back...can't imagine he would only sign on for 8-10 months though.

Lesnar is taking on the superstar role that Cena will leave for a bit. But he plays the big face guy, the big stand up to JL guy?

Its a good question..They will continue to push Punk but they need another guy. Do they move Orton over?

#48 Adam Wolff

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Posted 30 April 2012 - 05:39 PM

I thought overall Extreme Rules was very good.

Bryan vs. Sheamus match was above average, Punk vs. Jericho match was great, and Cena vs. Lesnar was surprisingly really good as well. Lesnar legitimately knocked Cena around a lot and even took quite a bump himself when he (I think) got kind of tied up in the ropes and ended up falling out the ring.

WWE has done a very good job of building their top tier matches, which is great. Now they just need to fill the undercard better. Brodus Clay has been feuding with Dolph/Swagger, yet there hasn't been one word spoken between them towards the other. Lord Tensai is supposed to be unstoppable and getting a push, but he didn't have anything for the card. I actually like Ryback, but why have that match at a PPV?

Randy Orton vs. Kane was an okay match, I'm just bored by both of them really. I guess it was entertaining because they were all over the arena, but all it consisted of was punching. Randy did his DDT with Kane's legs draped on the announce table instead of the ropes, but other than that I thought they weren't too creative with a match type that has to have something creative. It was the 4th best match, so I guess by 4th best match standards, it was pretty good.

I'm not sure why you have Cena win here. He's taking time off. Why not have Brock win and Cena disappears for a few months because of injury, coupled with the fact that he just lost two huge matches? Just seems to make more sense to me.

I'm pretty pleased with the WWE right now. I thought Mania was very good, and Extreme Rules was one of their better non major PPVs of the last year or so. I really one have two gripes right now, one minor, one major:

Minor: Give the Miz something to do. Good heel, good on the mic, good in the ring, solid all around. He's a perfect mid card guy right now.

Major: GIVE DOLPH SOMETHING. He's the best worker in the company, makes anyone he faces look great, reward him with something! Maybe that's why they are having him work with Brodus, and if so, give that feud the proper build, rather than just random matches with no reasoning.

Just thought of one more gripe. Can we please see the tag titles matter? I'm not sold on the tag champs, but they work as a team and are a legitimate team, so put them on more. Ideally, you give the Uso's a push and they help to legitimize the titles again, but that's a discussion for another time.

Sorry this post had no organization or flow, just spitballing here!



#49 Brobey


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Posted 30 April 2012 - 06:23 PM

Adam, I 100% with all three of your gripes!! I'm a big Ziggler fan and he deserves a big push. Outside of Bryan, he's the best at making who he's in the ring with look good an he's solid on the mic as well.

I also remember the days of the Hart Foundation and Demolition and WISH they would put more emphasis on the tag titles as that is a missing part from the WWE today and was always such a great foundation in the WWF back in the days.

#50 Adam Wolff

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Posted 30 April 2012 - 06:47 PM

Adam, I 100% with all three of your gripes!! I'm a big Ziggler fan and he deserves a big push. Outside of Bryan, he's the best at making who he's in the ring with look good an he's solid on the mic as well.

I also remember the days of the Hart Foundation and Demolition and WISH they would put more emphasis on the tag titles as that is a missing part from the WWE today and was always such a great foundation in the WWF back in the days.

Yeah, regarding the tag division, it doesn't seem that difficult to me. It's an excellent way to get guys involved in something meaningful. Primo and Epico were nothing prior to teaming up and if they would actually showcase them a bit, they're a decent team. They're nowhere near good enough to be tag champs, but they're at least a decent team. Actually, Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins are a pretty good team as well, but they rarely do anything other than Superstars. Evan Bourne getting suspended hurt, because they had built a nice team in 'Air Boom'. He gets suspended, they lose the belts, Kofi becomes irrelevant again, as do the tag titles.



#51 SportsGuy



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Posted 30 April 2012 - 08:01 PM

As soon as they get a good tag team, they break them up into singles competitors.

BTW, where is Mason Ryan? He deserves a push.

#52 SportsGuy



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Posted 30 April 2012 - 08:29 PM

There is your Hhh/Lesnar feud start.

#53 Brobey


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Posted 30 April 2012 - 09:27 PM

There is your Hhh/Lesnar feud start.

Yup...I like this kicking ass "real violence" angle they are using with Lesnar...fits him well an with how shaky he was on the mic last week, it makes him more vicious

#54 SportsGuy



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Posted 30 April 2012 - 09:33 PM

Yup...I like this kicking ass "real violence" angle they are using with Lesnar...fits him well an with how shaky he was on the mic last week, it makes him more vicious

I wonder if Taker ends up involved SS?

#55 Brobey


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Posted 30 April 2012 - 09:49 PM

I wonder if Taker ends up involved SS?

I think Taker is on a one match a year schedule...LOL. Wouldn't be a bad idea, especially with the confrontation between the two at the UFC ppv a while back.

#56 SportsGuy



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Posted 30 April 2012 - 09:55 PM

And there's your Bryan/Punk feud.

I am sure that's why they had them wrestle a few months back...get that idea into people's heads.

#57 Brobey


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Posted 30 April 2012 - 09:56 PM

And there's your Bryan/Punk feud.

I am sure that's why they had them wrestle a few months back...get that idea into people's heads.

Very pumped for that match!!

#58 SportsGuy



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Posted 30 April 2012 - 10:11 PM

John L vs Cena was obvious.

#59 Adam Wolff

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Posted 01 May 2012 - 09:19 AM

Bryan vs. Punk will be worth getting the PPV alone. Hopefully they fill out a decent undercard.

I doubt Cena is 'able' to compete. Stories had him taking some time off, so it makes sense that Tensai and Johnny L finished him off and keep him out for awhile. Actually, it's not a bad move on WWE's part, if they go that route. Get's nice heel heat on Johnny, Tensai, and Brock for all having a part in knocking Cena out. Cena has reitterated on many occasions that he is HERE and will always be HERE, so it's supposed to be a big deal when he's not. I get it, and it's not a bad thing. I bet WWE releases one of their press releases on their site saying Cena will be out for awhile.

Kofi and Truth win the belts..not sure what to think. Maybe they can help to give them some credibility, but I'm skeptical. I like both of them, so I'll keep an open mind.



#60 SammyBirdland



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Posted 01 May 2012 - 09:40 AM

The most illegal move in the history of wrestling: ... xIYVw3ZPJk
¡Hasta la vista, pelota!

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