So, I'm trying to learn to grill this summer, and I know there are a lot of food buffs on here.
Just a quick background - I have no, and I mean no cooking experience. Growing up, I can count on zero hands the amount of times that my father prepared a meal. Mom did all of the cooking in our house.
When I got married, my wife took over that responsibility as well. Now I try to be a little more useful than my Dad in this department than he was, but by and large she handles most of the food duties.
But I decided that I should at least learn some basics on the grill. So what are some very basic tips on grilling? A few other very simple questions I have after a few attempts - how do you keep your meat from sticking to the grill? And how often do you clean it, and how exactly do you clean it?
Any advice would be helpful. I tried looking around online a bit, but most of the sites just don't seem to be for someone as food illiterate as me.