Regardless of the mitigating circumstances, be it a nasty divorce or federal and state estate taxes, the result will be the same. The financial burden on John Angelos will be such that he will be unable (or unwilling) to put enough resources into the team itself.
I'm not trying to bulldog you, although I kind of feel like I am so apologies for that. Message Board. Discussion.
Earier in this post you said it's not "Team Poor", it's "cash Poor" then go on to describe "House Poor", which is the analogy I was making with "Team Poor".
The bolded is correct, sort of. They are going to have to run the franchise at a fraction of it's capacity to build resources. They'll still run the team like today (maybe a little heavier) and from an ownership perspective - if they are the approved owners - they can run it like that and some people will defend it as "Small Market".
The bottom line is that the Angelos sons simply cannot afford to keep the team once their father is gone.
No. They can afford it, if they own it. They just won't resource it at the levels most Orioles fans would like to see.
Years ago (probably 2 decades) I heard Joe Foss on one of the radio shows and it was a little later and I'm not sure why he admitted this, but he basically said they were using the team resources to pay off the money they'd (Angelos) borrowed against the team so he treats "that payment" as part of team expense for the Family Ownership.
Once you're in, literally any one of us could own the team. Give me a billion dollars in debt and 'approve' me as ownership and I can pay that loan off over time no problem and still run a dynamic Organization. MLB just chooses not to align themselves with randomly less-wealthy people. MLB ownership is a freaking money tree, they get to be exclusive because they only have 30 money trees so they can be selective.
The explosion of franchise values has caused financial hardship in any number of longer term ownership situations across Pro Sports where teams were bought for modestly less sums (like the Orioles situation) and the franchise values grew well outside of the means of those owners. That's where the Orioles are. The difference here is John desperately wants to keep his relevance as Pro Sports Executive and MLB would rather kick the Clown Show out.
So here's where were at...and this has been going on a while. It's not John. He doesn't know anything, but he's got a team of people trying to help him achieve his endstate of owning/running the team. btw, Elias has to go for him to do that.