
Rutgers bball coach...PSYCHO!

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#21 Mackus



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Posted 05 April 2013 - 09:57 AM

President is definitely getting the axe, too.


He either a) watched the video way back when and didn't encourage the right punishment in which case he's gone (plus he's lying now about having not seen it) or b ) he didn't watch the video back then and clearly is an incompetent fool for not doing so.  Gone either way.  No way he survives this.

#22 mweb08



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Posted 05 April 2013 - 10:01 AM

My two cents: I don't mind a coach getting a little intense in practice. Calling names, cursing, pushing a little bit can be excused at times. But this guy takes that and goes overboard. Throwing things at players should never happen, I don't care what the situation. Pushing a little bit I can understand, but throwing balls at players heads should never, ever happen. That's the part that got me. Verbal abuse, pushing, I can excuse that in some circumstances. But there's no excuse to throw a basketball at a young man's head as a coach.

These players are adults, which is why I say that screaming and cursing (even light pushing at times) can be excused. But the kicking, hitting, etc. should never happen no matter how old the players are that you're coaching. Mark Turgeon is an intense guy, but I know he'd never touch one of his players except under extreme circumstances. Same with Gary Williams. They obviously just want the best out of their players. But any coach that hurls balls at players isn't doing it to improve their basketball skills. Glad he got fired, should have happened much, much sooner.


I think the anti-gay terms are also unacceptable. 

#23 Oriole85



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Posted 05 April 2013 - 10:12 AM

President is definitely getting the axe, too.


He either a) watched the video way back when and didn't encourage the right punishment in which case he's gone (plus he's lying now about having not seen it) or b ) he didn't watch the video back then and clearly is an incompetent fool for not doing so.  Gone either way.  No way he survives this.

Yeah, I've heard that theory for part A and there's a good chance that's right. Just taking what the President said at face value and giving him the benefit of the doubt,


Like you said either option isn't good, either watching it and signing off on the punishment OR not watching it until recently.


#24 Cisc-O's


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Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:17 PM

The only people I see defending Rice for the most part are AJ Francis and Davin Meggett saying their coaches were Rice-types and they made them better players. I don't get how any athlete can be OK with a verbally and/or phyiscally abusive coach. Some have gone so far to say how "soft" society has become. You can be a intense coach, there's a fine line between being intense and being abusive. For the most part, I'd say 95% are in agreement on this issue including most coaches being interviewed on the subject.

True question not trying to be a snarky guy but did you ever play sports in high school?  Thats as far as I went and man the coaches there were like drill sargeants.  Infact one of them was, I blew my assignment on specials teams going for the runner and got faked out by a fake hand off I came back to the bench and he reamed me then broke his clip board on my helmet.  The crowd laughed.  The coaches were always on top of us but we were a pernial winner at the time.  I played gunner/CB and it made us better.

<p>I am pretty sure Shack is thinking of PBR.

#25 Oriole85



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 10:01 AM

True question not trying to be a snarky guy but did you ever play sports in high school?  Thats as far as I went and man the coaches there were like drill sargeants.  Infact one of them was, I blew my assignment on specials teams going for the runner and got faked out by a fake hand off I came back to the bench and he reamed me then broke his clip board on my helmet.  The crowd laughed.  The coaches were always on top of us but we were a pernial winner at the time.  I played gunner/CB and it made us better.

I did cross-country/track in high school, I'm not going to pretend it was as intense as some of the "bigger" sports. Nonetheless, I had an intense coach who wasn't afraid to pick apart the top runners and even others who he thought were underperforming. He kind of mellowed through the years. My dad couldn't believe some of the things he said at the banquet my freshman year.


So no I don't have first-hand experience of a Bear Bryant or Bobby Knight running my practices. Just because something was effective, doesn't mean the ends justify the means. I'm sick of hearing how something was acceptable 50-75 years ago, so we can't *change." A lot of other things were acceptable at one point, which we wouldn't think of acceptable now -- slavery, women not having the right to vote, etc.


Sure in the heat of the moment, a coach can lose it. I'm willing to forgive a one-time thing depending on the severity, who among us is perfect? But a repeated thing like Rice which is well documented is pretty unforgiveable in my books. I'm sure he'll get another chance though.


#26 Oriole85



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 10:35 AM

ESPN: Ex-player: Mike Rice used gay slur



ESPN: Rutgers giving Tim Pernetti $1.2M


#27 BaltBird 24

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Posted 09 April 2013 - 10:42 AM

Not excusing any of this behavior, but how many of us can truly say that we've NEVER used a gay slur? I know I have and I'm about as indifferent to the GLBT or whatever you call it as anyone.

#28 Mackus



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 11:04 AM

Not excusing any of this behavior, but how many of us can truly say that we've NEVER used a gay slur? I know I have and I'm about as indifferent to the GLBT or whatever you call it as anyone.


Yeah, it's definitely a word that hasn't completely left the lexicon as a pejorative yet, even in cases where it really has nothing to do with sexualtiy.  "That's so gay" and things like that is definitely something I think we're seeing people say less, but not gone yet.  Same with calling things "retarded".  Eventually folks will come up with new default terms to get the same sentiment across.  I think even people who do recognize those words as hurtful, or at least insulting, still occasionally catch themselves using them in those ways.  Myself included.

#29 Mackus



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 11:06 AM

SPN: Rutgers giving Tim Pernetti $1.2M


Sure seems like a payoff from the President (and posibly board) so that he can try and keep his job by looking like he's tough on this issue by getting rid of Pernetti and also it effectively buys Pernetti's silence so he can't say anything about the way this was handled by the President or what he knew at the time..

#30 Oriole85



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 12:01 PM

Not excusing any of this behavior, but how many of us can truly say that we've NEVER used a gay slur? I know I have and I'm about as indifferent to the GLBT or whatever you call it as anyone.

The point is it what a repeated pattern with Rice and didn't just happen at Rutgers. Honestly, if it was just gay slurs, I think there's a good chance he keeps his job, attends sensitivity training, and works with the Human Rights Campaign. I already said as such. He was fired for BOTH verbal/physical abuse. I actually think the latter was worse than the former.

In my youth, I used gay slurs myself, I was wrong. Also, a lot less acceptable in 2013 than it was a decade ago even. And one of the most visible/highly paid employees of a state is held to a higher standard than just the "average Joe" saying it.

#31 Oriole85



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 12:11 PM

Yeah, it's definitely a word that hasn't completely left the lexicon as a pejorative yet, even in cases where it really has nothing to do with sexualtiy.  "That's so gay" and things like that is definitely something I think we're seeing people say less, but not gone yet.  Same with calling things "retarded".  Eventually folks will come up with new default terms to get the same sentiment across.  I think even people who do recognize those words as hurtful, or at least insulting, still occasionally catch themselves using them in those ways.  Myself included.

Agree with this, I still hear it, but a lot less frequently. I'm sure "retarded" will be the next one which gets more looked down upon. The way I look at it, is you just never know who is around and could be offending. I'm far from perfect and you can never be too safe unless you keep your mouth shut.


#32 Oriole85



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 12:14 PM

Sure seems like a payoff from the President (and posibly board) so that he can try and keep his job by looking like he's tough on this issue by getting rid of Pernetti and also it effectively buys Pernetti's silence so he can't say anything about the way this was handled by the President or what he knew at the time..

I just thought how he got to keep the Ipad was a little comical. Other than that, nothing too surprising or shocking. They obviously don't want any further problems from this. They don't want him writing a tell-all book. I don't think they wanted to fire him, just caved into public pressure. If I'm the AD, I can't complain too much at all, he gets the $$$ even if he gets another job.


#33 Cisc-O's


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 10:00 PM

So I started to think about punishment given to me by coaches over the years.  One was we gave up 300 passing yards and 250+ yards on defense so the the offensive line got to do a kind of paddle line after a hard practice, entire defense had to crawl under there legs while 250+ dudes just sat on you basically and mushed you with sweaty fat bodies :), another was the coach got fed up with the intensity of practice so he decided to start firing the track and field gun to stop plays...  I don't think that would be accepted now :P.  Differnt sport soccor coach started kicking the butt not hard of two people on the field because of there effort he was fed up.  Anyone else have crazy coach stories?

<p>I am pretty sure Shack is thinking of PBR.

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