Have two 17 year old cats. Got them together the day before Thanksgiving in '05.
One cat - Rosie - has always been food motivated. Never missed a meal. Sweet, always at the door to greet you.
She has chronic kidney disease like many old cats get.
At 17, there's no surprise that there isn't much time left.
After not eating for about a day and a half, took her to the vet yesterday, where she stayed overnight.
My thought with the cats has always been if they're in pain, I don't want to keep them alive. That just seems cruel.
The vet is telling us she doesn't think Rosie is in pain, just highly uncomfortable.
So after an IV drip overnight (and some more tests today); I think they'll send her home to us, but they've already mentioned us doing a home IV drip.
While happy she can come home; part of me wonders if this is cruel. Is this for her, or for us?
Ultimately we did the overnight and the IV to try and help her, vs. putting her down, because it seemed to us that she hadn't completely given up on living... and I thought if she wanted to fight, I'd try and help.
IDK, sorry for rambling. Just want to do right by her, but not sure exactly what right is.
Sorry to hear that. We are basically at that point right now with our 14 year old dog. I've had friends always say you'll know when it's time but I wonder when that's going to be or if it's already here. We have 3 kids as well, I think the oldest and youngest will take it okay when that time comes but the middle is going to be upset.