I think any living being wants to remain alive deep in their soul. I think you’ll know, unequivocally, when it is the right time, in consultation with your vet.
I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. It’s truly heart breaking. Ellie is my 11 year old Scottish Terrier. She became diabetic several months ago and is insulin dependent. And now she is blind. She’s struggling, and it’s just awful to experience it. I try to view it as an honor for me to care for her and make these last days as good as possible for her. It’s painful. It’s emotional. But she deserves that strength from me.
Hope it’s just a bad stretch of a couple days and little Rosie can rebound a bit. Sorry again Chris.
Thanks, also appreciate that perspective. Sorry about Ellie. You are right about the honor of caring for them at the end. Their lives revolve around you. Least one can do is be there for them at the end.