
Most Memorable Moment

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#1 b_pinter23

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Posted 26 May 2016 - 02:33 PM

What's going on y'all? Just want to see some of the moments that you guys consider your greatest ever? Tell me, in all of your years watching the O's, what's the most memorable moment that sticks out for you?

I'll start with mine, which most definitely has to be the Delmon Young double in the 2014 LDS. I wasn't there, had to work, but the game was on the radio. The roar of that crowd is something I will never EVER forget!
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#2 B00E00N00



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Posted 26 May 2016 - 02:37 PM

Delmon's Young 2B (me too!)... How about the Chris Davis pitching and getting the Win (And striking out A-Gonz!)in that epic game at Fenway!

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#3 SportsGuy



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Posted 26 May 2016 - 02:40 PM

2131..nothing else close.

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#4 Mike in STL

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Posted 26 May 2016 - 02:45 PM

What's going on y'all? Just want to see some of the moments that you guys consider your greatest ever? Tell me, in all of your years watching the O's, what's the most memorable moment that sticks out for you?

I'll start with mine, which most definitely has to be the Delmon Young double in the 2014 LDS. I wasn't there, had to work, but the game was on the radio. The roar of that crowd is something I will never EVER forget!

In person, it's that for me. Loudest Camden yards ever got. Louder than any Ravens game I've been too. 


Overall, it's 2130-2131, and Cal homering in those games on top of everything else. I was watching with grandma as a 10 year old. My parents went to the game without me. Still haven't forgiven them. 


#5 NewMarketSean



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Posted 26 May 2016 - 02:51 PM

Delmon Young in 2014 is up there. Not sure there's a more important moment I've witnessed.


The Cal Ripken game in 2012 was awesome too.

I never had friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?

#6 Nigel Tufnel

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Posted 26 May 2016 - 02:55 PM

Yeah, Delmon's 2B was the most exciting play I've ever seen in person, without a doubt.


For things that I only saw on TV or heard on the radio, there was Tippy Martinez picking off 3 guys, John Shelby throwing out Bob Skube at home plate, Tito Landrum's HR, Cal obviously...  but Delmon topped them all.


Before Young, the most memorable play I'd ever seen live was probably Jack Cust...  so thanks, Delmon.

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#7 BSLChrisStoner



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Posted 26 May 2016 - 03:16 PM

2131 was awesome.  First Opening Day at OPACY.


Delmon's double really is up there.


Devo's catch vs. the Blue Jays in '92...

Bonilla's grand slam Game 1 of the '96 ALDS...

The Hoiles walk off slam in '96...

Pretty much every moment of the 1989 season.

#8 NewMarketSean



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Posted 26 May 2016 - 03:19 PM

Yeah the only thing that comes close to Delmon was the Bonilla slam. Was at the game with friends and my dad, and he called it. He still takes credit for it to this day.

I never had friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?

#9 aurelius

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Posted 26 May 2016 - 03:21 PM

I was at game 5 of the 1970 WS, the one where Brooks put on a show for the world. You have to remember this was a little before ESPN and all that, so the playoffs and WS really was a real showcase event.  It was the big chance for all baseball fans everywhere to see the players in action. So as I remember it. the game was in the bag, the O's had a big lead over the favored Cincinnati Reds, and we were going to witness the on-field celebration for winning the WS. I mean how do you top that? I was a bit too young to really appreciate it though. I guess I figured it would happen many more times in my life.

So it's in the late innings and Brooks comes up for what would be his final AB in the series. He had already put on a show all week with his glove and also was hitting 400+ for the series with a couple homers. But in his final AB he struck out. The fans gave him a standing ovation anyway. He would later say that getting that ovation after striking out was one of his most memorable moments. Brooks then went out to 3B and made another diving catch of a ball hit down the 3B line in the last inning. Another standing O. It was magical. It was unbelievable. The Reds were in collective state of shock at what they were seeing, as were the fans.

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#10 SammyBirdland



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Posted 26 May 2016 - 03:56 PM

September 28, 2011.  Robert Andino, Red Sox killer.  The day the Orioles became winners again.






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¡Hasta la vista, pelota!

#11 McNulty


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Posted 26 May 2016 - 04:01 PM

September 28, 2011.  Robert Andino, Red Sox killer.  The day the Orioles became winners again.      

I concur and saw the great Andino last night in person. He had a few good hits, some awful ones and a huge error in the middle of a 6 run inning. Don't ever change bob.
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#12 Mark Carver

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Posted 26 May 2016 - 04:02 PM

THE most memorable?!?!?! Hard to do... yeah long ago but here's 2 - 


- 1980 in a game against the Angels, John Lowenstein being carried off the field at Memorial Stadium due to being hit in the back of the neck on a thrown ball to 2nd base. He was safe at 2nd base but was out cold, unconcious for about 20 seconds. The crowd was in dead silence as they worked on him and eventually it was decided to carry him off the field on a stretcher. As the stretcher neared the home dugout, Lowenstein sat up with his arms and fists raised signaling to the crown he was ok. The crowd went crazy.


- Tippy Martinez picking off 3 baserunners at 1st base in the 10th inning against the 1st Toronto Blue Jays in 1983 at home in Memorial Stadium. The Jays went ahead in the top of the 10th inning with a go ahead home run followed by a single. Joe Altobelli brought in Tippy Martinez and them Blue Jays just couldn't wait to run because Lenn Sakata was catching behind the plate. Boom, 1, 2, 3 put outs on pick-offs at 1st base (which is also a MLB record). BTW, Lenn Sakata, who had last caught behind plate was when he was in Pee Wee League, hit a game winning 3 run HR in the bottom of the 10th inning! 1983 was a very good year for Orioles fans...

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John Keegan, a renowned British military historian, has called World War II the greatest single event in the history of mankind. - Tom Brokaw, NBC special correspondent and author of "The Greatest Generation"

#13 BSLChrisStoner



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Posted 26 May 2016 - 04:08 PM

September 28, 2011.  Robert Andino, Red Sox killer.  The day the Orioles became winners again.







Looking at the above picture...  and I had zero recollection of Hudson.  Looked him up on Baseball Reference... and still nothing.


Ugh. Memory not what it was.

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#14 You Play to Win the Game

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Posted 26 May 2016 - 04:36 PM

For me, it's DY Double, Bobby Dino, winning the 2012 WC game vs Texas then 2,131. If I were older than 10 maybe I would've appreciated that more. (Just sayin', Rob's old) Also, being there live for the double was incredible. There was a moment where I was genuinely afraid because of how crazy that place was shaking.

#15 RShack


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Posted 26 May 2016 - 05:24 PM

1st inning of the '66 WS... Koufax would have started but it was Yom Kippur, so he waited until the next day... it was Drysdale instead... Frank and Brooks hit back-to-back 1st inning dingers...  and *that* was the moment when the Orioles became truly legit in the eyes of the baseball world... the remaining 35 innings of the '66 WS just reinforced the point...


p.s.  Koufax is Jewish, but he's not a religious Jew... but he felt it was important to stick up for Jewish tradition anyway... it was one of multiple ways that he felt the responsibility that came with his stature, and he took that responsibility very seriously... 

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#16 You Play to Win the Game

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Posted 26 May 2016 - 05:33 PM

That's pretty wild. That would be such a massive story today. I hope I get to see my O's win a ring.

#17 Markus


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Posted 26 May 2016 - 05:58 PM

A few:


2014 ALDS Game 1:  Was there and once we started the pile on it was just a gigantic party atmosphere.


2014 ALDS GAme 2:  Was watching with family/friends at their place and when Delmon had that double I jumped up and made so much noise that it startled their super-calm cat who proceeded to run out of the room.


2130/2131:  As a kid Cal was a God and to watch him go off both nights made me feel proud to be a fan of the O's and Cal.  Heck, even I don't mind listening to Berman go off either of those nights.


June 30, 2009:  Biggest comeback in O's history against the Sox.  11-10. 


Had taken a red-eye (first and so hopefully last time) from LAX to BWI with a layover at O'Hare to visit family and friends and come back for a family reunion.  Of course getting to LAX and getting through security and to you gate, even in the dead of night is no freaking picnic so you're already starting off kinda annoyed.  No sleep on the LAX-O'Hare flight (and maybe a cocktail or 2) and when I get there I'm informed that my flight to BWI is cancelled.  They put me on a different flight that was leaving right then and I had to be the cliched, Home Alone-esque, person sprinting from one terminal underneath the runway to another terminal.  At the same time trying to call my brother (at like 6-ish in the morning East Coast time) to let him know the change of plans since he was picking me up and of course it goes to voice mail each time so I'm essentially hoping my brother gets the message and can scoop me up.  I'm the last person on the plane and as soon as I get on they close the doors.  I'm sure I looked a mess (no time to stop off in a bathroom to clean myself up or wash my face or anything) and people were probably muttering under their breath about some idiot rube holding up the flight (and let this be a lesson to you all, don't always assume and get on the case of the last person on the plane). 


Get to BWI (and immediately rubbed the wrong way in the terminal by the amount of Sox gear walking around BWI knowing I was going to the game later on that day) and luckily my brother was there to get me and he takes me back to his and his girlfriends apartment outside of Baltimore to help them move out of their place.  Probably been up for about 24+ hours at this point and they just start feeding me caffeine and hippy lettuce as we proceed to move all their stuff out.  Thing was, my brother was moving to Portland and his gf to Costa Rica but he was taking all their stuff with them.  And he had rented x-amount of space in the back of one of those 18-wheelers that transports peoples junk around the country.  Of course, where their apartment was located they couldn't park the 18-wheeler near it but instead had to park it at the front of the community (and of course he lived as far back from the front as humanly possible).  So to make these transports they had to rent a u-haul truck.  So, we had to move all of their junk out from the apartment and down flights of stairs to the u-haul then drive the u-haul to the front of the community and unload that to the 18-wheeler and help play Tetris with all of their junk so it all fits in the amount of space they had rented (and if we went over that space they were charged an extreme amount extra).  All this in just absolutely horrible humidity and heat and a mid-afternoon rain/thunderstorm.  And of course since it was June 30, they had to be out of their place by the end of that day.  No, "Oh, hey we can always finish this up tomorrow or another day or 2 later" so we're just hustling.

Finally finish all that up around 3:30/4-ish where they then start feeding me beer and hippy lettuce.  And at this point I probably haven't had anything to eat since dinner the day before so I've got no food in me, am wired on 2nd-wind, caffeine, beer, and hippy lettuce.  Take a quick shower and we then proceed to head to OPACY (both passengers still "enjoying the fruits of our labor") to watch the O's (that was my one stipulation to helping them move).  Get there, get our tickets, set up shop along the RF SRO section and proceed to watch Rich Hill take the biggest dumb right there on the field.  And it looks like Smoltz is dealing.  Sox are up 9-1 when the rains came (again).  At this point my brothers gf starts suggesting maybe we just leave and I was like "Nope.  Ain't happening.  We're staying."  So we find cover in The Warehouse, keep drinking (since they kept serving booze through the entire rain delay), and wait out the rain.  Game restarts and of course the Sox eventually score again to push it to 10-1.  Great.  Then the O's start to make things kind of interesting in the 7th.  And you're like, "Okay, well at least they won't get totally destroyed."  And then they keep scoring and scoring and the electricity in the stadium from those fans who stayed gradually pick up.  Inning ends and you're like, "Well, 10-5 is respectable for this squad.  Nice job not quitting."  Then we get to the bottom of the 8th.  And we start scoring again and you start thinking maybe, just maybe, the baseball gods was to reward O's fans who stuck this out and dump all over Sox fans who did the same.  It's just a hit parade and Francona brings in Papelbon and you think, "Eh, well he'll probably shut the door."  But they keep hitting and it culminates with Markakis doubling in the tying and go-ahead runs and you're running around like a loon who's been up for pushing 35ish hours and high-5ing every Tom, Dick, and Harry you see.  O's end up winning 11-10 and you leave the stadium with this voiceless, euphoric feeling just going off about chowdah-this and chowdah-that. 


After that only thing I remember is stopping at McDonald's in Crofton.  Think we ended up getting to my moms house around 2ish and I think I didn't get up until around noon the next day after an epic 37-or-so hour day.


TLDR:  Up for 37 hours, bombed (on multiple levels) out of my mind and see the biggest comeback in O's history.  Take an absolute classic O's game and throw in some extenuating circumstances and it becomes epic.

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#18 b_pinter23

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Posted 26 May 2016 - 06:34 PM

You guys are awesome. See this is why I joined this forum because of kick ass stories like these to reminisce on. All of these are incredible.


There was one game, I don't remember what day it was, but sometime in 2004 when Melvin Mora was blasting (he went on to bat .340 that year I believe). My friend and I were at the game, out in section 94 in the bleachers, and we had just started walking up onto Eutaw Street. The bases were loaded, and we were trailing by a good bit, I have no recollection of what the score was, and my friend goes, "hey watch this, I'm going down to the base of the wall, and MelMo (My nickname for him) is going to crank a grand slam". Sure enough, a few pitches later, boom, goodbye homerun. Sure enough I had to hear the ol' I told you so line.

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#19 BobPhelan



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Posted 26 May 2016 - 08:39 PM

Definitely Delmon's double for me. Get goosebumps just thinking about it. Only Orioles playoff game I've ever been to and it's one of the best moments of my life as weird as that is to say. Hopefully it gets surpassed this year when we win the World Series.

#20 aurelius

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Posted 27 May 2016 - 08:41 AM

I saw Bonilla's grand slam against the Indians in 96. The whole place went bonkers. Fun times.


The Delmon double was amazing. Just to see it on TV was great, can't imagine what it was like to be there.

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